Published On: 2023-06-15

How To Get Rid of Chinch Bugs In Your Lawn

Your lawn is precious.

You pour your love into it all year long: mowing, weeding, fertilizing, watering. It’s a welcome mat for your visitors, a playground for your kids, and a testament to your hard work. So a  big dead brown spot in the middle is frustrating! We get it.

Voles and pet urine can create similar spots, but if you’re reading this, you’ve probably figured out that the culprit is chinch bugs.

Let’s explore the world of chinch bug control and shine a spotlight on a non-toxic, biological control method that utilizes the power of nematode worms. Discover how these tiny organisms can help you combat chinch bug infestations while keeping your environment and loved ones safe.


Understanding Chinch Bugs


Chinch bugs (Blissus spp.) are notorious pests that wreak havoc on lawns and gardens across the country. These small insects, often measuring less than a quarter of an inch, are commonly found in grassy areas and thrive in warm, dry climates. Feeding on grass blades, chinch bugs can cause extensive damage by piercing and sucking out the plant’s vital juices. If left unchecked, a chinch bug infestation can quickly turn a lush green lawn into a brown, patchy landscape.


The Challenge with Traditional Pest Control

There are a few reasons to be hesitant to use traditional pesticides. 

While these products can provide quick results, they can have harmful effects on the environment, including the contamination of water sources and the risk of harming beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies. They are also only a temporary solution, and will require regular, expensive treatments.

Also, be sure to watch out for pest control companies that offer this service when they’re not actually licensed to do so! Few companies have the proper insecticides and licensing for chinch bugs. A lawn care company would be a safer bet, but let’s look at some other options first. 


Creating a Hostile Lawn for Chinch Bugs

A healthy lawn is not a place chinch bugs like to be. They prefer dry lawns with shallow roots and unhealthy grass. A thick, well-watered lawn is one of the best defenses against chinch bugs! 

Here are some tips for keeping your lawn healthy: 

  • Water the lawn thoroughly once per week (maybe every 5 days if it’s really dry and hot). Really soak that sucker, but not too often! This forces the grass to grow deep roots to soak up the water that is deep underground. 
  • Aerate and rake your lawn in the spring. This helps keep oxygen in the soil and reduces too much organic build-up in the thatch level. 
  • Water your lawn in the evening, or when it’s cool. Watering when it’s hot can burn your grass and cause most of the water to evaporate. 
  • Don’t over-fertilize. Over-fertilizing can cause irregular chemical levels in the soil and actually benefits the chinch bugs. 

These tips will help keep the chinch bugs away from your healthy lawn!

Introducing Nematode Worms: Nature’s Solution

Nematodes for chinch bug control

If you haven’t been following these tips all spring and you don’t have the picture perfect lawn, no worries! There are other options. 

Fortunately, there is a safer and more sustainable approach to chinch bug control – nematode worms, also known as beneficial nematodes. These microscopic roundworms are naturally occurring organisms found in the soil. They are harmless to humans, pets, and beneficial insects, making them an ideal eco-friendly alternative for chinch bug control.

How Nematode Worms Combat Chinch Bugs

Nematode worms are predators of chinch bugs at their larval (think caterpillar) stage, targeting them beneath the soil surface where they cause the most damage. The beneficial nematodes penetrate the chinch bug larvae and release bacteria that cause a fatal infection. As the larvae perish, the nematodes reproduce, continuing to search for and eliminate more chinch bug larvae, effectively reducing their population.


Benefits of Nematode Worms for Chinch Bug Control

Environmentally Friendly: Nematode worms are completely non-toxic and do not harm the environment, water sources, or non-target organisms. They offer a sustainable solution to chinch bug control without contributing to chemical pollution.

Safe for Humans and Pets: Unlike chemical pesticides, nematode worms pose no risk to humans, pets, or wildlife. You can have peace of mind knowing that you are using a natural control method that is safe for everyone.

Long-lasting Results: Nematode worms establish a population in your lawn or garden, providing continuous chinch bug control over time. This proactive approach helps prevent future infestations, ensuring a healthy and thriving outdoor space.


Help from Grove Eco-friendly Pest Control

By harnessing the power of nematode worms, you can say goodbye to chemical pesticides and welcome a safe and sustainable method of pest control. 

Grove Eco-friendly Pest Control can help you with that! We offer treatment of your lawn with beneficial nematodes and offer a warranty until the end of the year. Fill out the form on our site or give us a call today to ensure you are rid of chinch bugs for good!

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